Fano 3-folds database helpWhat is a Fano 3-fold in the database?A Fano 3-fold X is a normal projective 3-fold with -KX ample. Unless otherwise mentioned, it is assumed also to have Q-factorial terminal singularities. (Some of the databases explicitly mention that they allow canonical singularities.) Usually a Fano 3-fold is regarded as being polarised by its anticanonical class -KX. However, if -KX is divisible as a Weil divisor class, -KX = fA for maximal integer f, then the polarised pair X,A may be considered instead: this is called a Fano 3-fold of index f. The Hilbert series of X,-KX (respectively X,A) can be computed using the Iano-Fletcher--Reid plurigenus formula (respectively Suzuki's RR formula). What is stored in the database?The Fano 3-fold database is a list of Hilbert series. Each one is interpreted as a Fano 3-fold embedded in weighted projective space (either with -KX or A as the degree 1 hyperplane). Such a description is called a candidate, since there is no guarantee that a Fano 3-fold with the given Hilbert series exists, or, if it does, that it can be embedded as indicated. In practice, all candidates in codimension at most 4, and many in other low codimensions, have been confirmed. Glossary of terms for the Fano databaseThere are standard names used in the Fano database. Let X be a Fano 3-fold (with primitive divisor A if it is of index f > 1), and X in P(a0,...,an) be the corresponding embedding in wps.